"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong"
-1 Corinthians 16:13

The Men’s Ministry at Parkway Baptist Church is a fellowship of men coming together with the common goal of learning more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while allowing fellowship with other men and participating in fun and exciting events geared toward men’s interests.

Some of the activities that we enjoy throughout the year are skeet shooting, campouts, cook-offs, domino tournaments, foosball tournaments, fish fry, and annual retreats.  Our goal is to offer one of these events once every 3-4 months throughout the year.  We welcome men of all ages and backgrounds and strive to have each event be fun, engaging, and spiritually stimulating to anyone in attendance.

This gives us an opportunity to connect to one another and help to build each other up just as Proverbs 27:17 states. We hope that you will plan to join us at our next event, which can be viewed on our church calendar.